Every day is a fresh start to get healthy
DJ and Carol appeared recently on WFSB to talk about taking accountability for our own health and wellness. Catch the full interview here.
DJ and Carol appeared recently on WFSB to talk about taking accountability for our own health and wellness. Catch the full interview here.
DJ and Carol appeared on WFSB recently to talk about better health through being present. Catch the full interview here.
Craniosacral Therapy and Sun Do: A path to sustainable health and wellness SUN DO WELLNESS 45 S. Main St, Suite 090, West Hartford CT 860-306-2158 April 29, 20232:00-4:00 $25 non-members$10 members Learn the subtle healing power of Craniosacral Therapy. Learn the art and practice of Sun Do, a breathing and meditation practice. Join DJ Horn, LPC, PT, CST in her
Carol Gale recently appeared on Ancient Arts for Modern Times with Michael Fuchs, where she discussed the history, practice, and healing of Sun Do.
Learn mindfulness tools as well as the ancient Korean art of Sun Do with added group process to deepen into the practice and self. Learn to expand into the experience of present moment, develop flexibility of mind, body, and spirit, and use mindfulness and meditation to manage stress. This is a great workshop for those with mild anxiety, depression or
Mindful walking, simple qigong, yoga postures, spiritual reading, music, and sitting meditation
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